By using furnaces for PWHT, stress introduced by the welding process is reduced and redistributed through the heating, soaking and cooling the weldment/machined surface. This greatly improves the weld properties. PWHT is most times mandatory in order to comply with welding codes and specifications for the welding of carbon steels, stainless/high alloy steels and work hardened steels.
Fairly sophisticated control systems carefully follow mandatory heating and cooling profiles, as outlined by welding code. Control systems with thermocouples that monitor internal furnace temperature, along with weldment part temperature are usually included. These control systems also include the ability to ramp up to temperature and cool off over specified time intervals. Finally, the use of recorders or data loggers is common for quality control documentation.

- Improved ductility and/or harness
- Lower risk of brittle fracture
- Improved metallurgical structure
- Reduction in diffusible hydrogen induced cracking

For more information on any custom built pre heat or post weld heat treat furnaces, contact:
2960 East State Street Ext.
Hamilton, NJ 08619
Phone # 609.588.0900
Fax # 609.588.8333